Digital Insurance Marketing – The Best System for Agencies, MGAs, and Insurance Companies.

If you are an Insurance Agency, MGA, or Insurance Company looking to invest in Digital Insurance Marketing with the objective of improving your online presence, call The WIN Group at 513-800-1399.
If you find our website after normal business hours click on Digital Marketing Insurance Agencies to request a phone consultation with a project manager to learn if we are the right company for you.
The most effective way for insurance agencies, MGAs, or insurance companies to attract new customers today is through Online Insurance Marketing.
Relying on outdated Insurance Marketing Strategies such as Xdating, telemarketing, direct mail, yellow page advertising, billboards, newspaper or magazine advertisements, and sponsoring local sports teams is the past.
Online Insurance Marketing is the future and the absolute best way to find new customers who are ready to buy insurance.
If you are not 100% convinced Online Insurance Marketing works, click on Why Digital Insurance Marketing Works to see examples of the types of leads generated and business written by insurance agencies using this system.
The WIN Group’s Digital Insurance Marketing Platform and strategy offers the best guarantee of all competing Insurance Marketing Companies selling Insurance Websites or Digital Insurance Marketing Platforms today. We offer up to a 100% refund of our monthly management fees if we fail to produce results.*
We are the only Insurance Marketing Company offering Money Back Guarantees* for results.
To watch a video that will tell you why our system is a better alternative than all other options click on Why Our System Is Better.
Why Hiring a Company Offering Money Back Guarantees Is a Smart Financial Decision.
An effective online strategy is not inexpensive. It is an investment that may or may not pay off for your company, especially if you hire the wrong Insurance Marketing Company.
Hiring the wrong Insurance Marketing Company may be the most costly decision you will ever make. Some agency owners have spent tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and have lost nearly every dollar they paid.
For this reason the WIN Group offers money back guarantees up to 100% of the management fees we charge if we fail to produce results (refund amount is based on Package level).
There are three specific reasons why we offer money back guarantees:
Number 1 — our system and online strategy works better than any Insurance Marketing Company selling a Digital Insurance Marketing Platform. We pioneered an online strategy so successful not a single competitor comes remotely close.
Number 2 — we want you to have peace of mind and confidence that we are the right company to handle your online marketing strategy. We know our strategy works, and we are willing to back up our warranty by giving you money-back assurance for your investment.
Number 3 — a number of insurance agencies have invested sizable amounts of money in Digital Insurance Marketing — and they have lost their shirts financially.
Some have been locked into long-term contracts up to five years and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars with virtually no results despite their large expenditures.
Those who have spent a considerable amount of money may be justifiably concerned about opening their wallets to invest once again in something that did not work the first time around.
Other agency owners have attempted to do it themselves and have given up in frustration, concluding that Insurance Online Marketing doesn’t work after they failed to receive positive results.
Because of these factors, few-if-any agency owners, MGAs, or insurance companies have made any meaningful investments in Insurance Online Marketing.
For these three principal reasons The WIN Group offers contractual money back guarantees for results. We know with 100% certainty that Online Insurance Marketing works and is one of the most profitable lead generation methods available when the right strategy is put into place.
We are willing to back up our statements with money back guarantees in writing. If we fail to perform, your company will receive up to a 100% refund of the monthly management fees (refund amount is based on Package level).
In addition, we do not require short- or long-term contracts of those who hire the WIN Group to manage their Online Marketing Strategies.
However, not every agency owner or MGA may hire our company. We place strict geographic limitations on who we work with, and for good reason.
Why Do We Place Limits on Who May Hire The WIN Group?
Because of our performance money back guarantees, only a limited number of companies may employ The WIN Group in a geographic area.
Currently there are over 100 cities and regional locations throughout the United States that are no longer available.
Once a target area has been reserved by a company employing The WIN Group no other insurance agencies, MGAs, or insurance companies may employ us — effectively blocking all other competitors from hiring our company (this is a contractual guarantee for WIN Group clients).
For instance, if you are an MGA specializing in surety bonds, then choosing Package 6 locks out all other MGAs in the nation. You will have an exclusive relationship with our company to help you recruit agents selling surety bonds.
Likewise, if you are an insurance agency located in San Francisco California and you choose Package 5, no other agency can hire us for the city of San Francisco.
Click on Is My Area Available for the WIN Group Strategy and a project manager will get back with you to let you know whether or not your area is available.
Next we will discuss why our Domination Marketing Strategy is far superior to all other Insurance Marketing Company competitors.
Domination Marketing Packages – Get Superior Results by Locking Out All Other Competitors.
Other Insurance Marketing Companies will sell insurance websites to every agent that wants one. We refuse to do this. We have come to learn that selling insurance websites to agents on every corner limits website clicks, calls, and leads for everyone.
In contrast we have developed a strategy known as Domination Marketing.
If you qualify, a Domination Marketing Package will lock out all other agency owners, MGAs, or insurance company competitors from hiring our company.
A Domination Marketing Package will deliver more website clicks, calls, and leads for your agency – far more than any Insurance Marketing Company competitor, guaranteed.
Investing in a Domination Marketing Package will allow your company to dominate your insurance competitors online.
In some cases you will control the majority of organic listings on the first page of the search engines.
Some clients choosing a Domination Marketing Package control 80% of the organic listings on the first page of the search engines. Controlling this much digital real estate gives your agency or company a significant advantage over your competitors.
The first page of the typical search engine allows 3 to 4 spots for advertisements listed on top, but under the paid advertisements you will find organic website listings.
Unlike paid website listing advertisements (also known as pay-per-click), Organic Website Listings are free of cost to the website owner.
Statistically, most people who search online skip the advertisements (because they know it is an advertisement) and click on the Organic Website Listings.
If your Agency or Company controls 80% of the Organic Website Listings you will receive more clicks, visits, phone calls from prospects, and most importantly, new customers.
Isn’t that what you want?
Digital Insurance Marketing – Want an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competitors?

It’s almost a silly question. Who doesn’t want an unfair advantage over their competitors?
Sure, we may be friends with other agents, but isn’t it true we are all in a race to write as much profitable insurance business as possible for our agency or company?
When you obtain a dominant position online your company will receive more leads and write more accounts.
Isn’t that what you want, even if you are friends with the agent down the street?
When you obtain an unfair advantage over your competitors you benefit financially. The WIN Group will help you obtain that unfair advantage over other insurance agencies when you hire us first under a Domination Marketing Package.
When you choose Package 5 or 6, no other agent can hire The WIN Group for your area.
Click Is My Area Available and a project manager will get back with you to let you know whether or not your area is available.
Forget Kumbayah Insurance Marketing If You Don’t Want to Be Broke.
There are certain groups of insurance agents within the insurance industry that believe assisting each other is in their best interest. For instance, some claim they are willing to share their Insurance Marketing Secrets with each other so that all can benefit.
If you developed an Insurance Marketing Idea that worked out really well and it generates a significant volume of new premium dollars for your insurance agency, MGA, or company, would you freely and willingly share your Insurance Marketing Idea with your competitors?
What if you invested a significant amount of money developing a powerful and profitable Insurance Marketing Idea that turned into a huge success? Do you believe your fellow agents down the street from your office, competing for the same slice of the insurance pie, deserve to know how you are writing so much business without any ‘skin in the game’ of their own?
Almost sounds like insurance Socialism, does it not? Yet there are agents and Insurance Marketing Organizations that promote this ‘sharing’ concept.
Highly successful companies do not share their Insurance Marketing Ideas with competitors, ever.
Likewise, we do not share our ideas with other insurance agents or companies. When you hire the WIN Group to manage your Online Insurance Marketing Strategy your success is paramount to our company.
This is Why You Should Hire The WIN Group – If You Can.

Our success in Online Insurance Marketing is a strategy we developed over a period of many years with a significant monetary investment on our end to map out and implement. We developed a Digital Insurance Marketing Platform that outperforms all other competitors.
If you hire The WIN Group to manage your Online and Automation Strategy there is no need for you to hire a ‘marketing manager’ to write blog posts on your Insurance Website or Social Media platforms.
There is no need for you to hire an Insurance SEO Consultant, or to figure out on your own how to get your Insurance Website listed organically on page one of the search engines.
There is no need for you to come up with the best way to automate your processes you use in your agency for marketing and retention (not available in every Package).
We set everything up for you based on proven online and automation strategies we developed for the insurance industry.
You simply tell us what type of insurance leads you want and in which location and we will make it happen, or else we will provide advice on the right place to target for your maximum success.
Your only task is to sell the leads we generate for your agency, and to follow the proven automation techniques we establish for your company (if you wish to automate prospect follow-up and customer retention strategies).
Do you want the best Digital Insurance Marketing Platform available today? If so call The WIN Group by dialing 513-800-1399 to learn whether or not your territory is available or click on Is My Area Available.
Digital Insurance Marketing – This is Not for Small or Startup Agencies.

To obtain the best results you need to THINK BIG on your investment (Package 4 or above).
While it is true we offer smaller packages for newer or smaller insurance agencies, you need to keep in mind that the size of your investment will directly affect the amount of insurance leads you will generate.
If your budget is limited to a few hundred dollars per month you will only achieve limited success online. If your objective is to have a website you can list on your business card then we are not the right Insurance Marketing Company to hire.
On the other hand if you want your phones to ring with insurance prospects ready to buy commercial and personal lines insurance right now then we are the best Insurance Marketing Company to hire as we guarantee results for Package levels 4-6.
Call 513-800-1399 to speak with a project manager or click on Is My Area Available to learn whether or not your specific area is available. If your territory is not available we will place you on a waiting list.
“I Like What I Hear But I’ve Been Burned Financially by Another Insurance Marketing Company”
Unfortunately some agencies have been locked into very long contracts, shelled out tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and have written very few accounts to justify their significant expenditure.
One agency owner in Pennsylvania spent more than $50,000 for a Digital Insurance Marketing System that was essentially a complete waste of money.
His website was graphically appealing but the Insurance Lead Generation results were disastrous.
His $50,000 Insurance Website Marketing System generated a total of $5,000 in commissions in four years for his agency!
He told us that purchasing the previous Digital Insurance Marketing System was the biggest waste of money in his 25+ years in the insurance industry.
We agreed with him based on his end results. In 2012 he hired The WIN Group and vastly improved his results.
Another agency owner in Washington State spent nearly $250,000 with another company and had similarly poor results despite five times more money spent.
When their contract was up they called us and within a few meetings decided to hire The WIN Group to take over their Online Insurance Marketing.
In the last two years this agency owner has been very pleased with the results from our company, especially in comparison to their previous Insurance Marketing Company.
Recently they reported to us they had written one commercial lines account in excess of $215,000 in annual premiums because of an Insurance Lead generated by our online strategy.
Naturally not every lead generated for our clients will result in such large new business sales, but we receive reports on a regular basis of new personal and commercial lines accounts written up to $50,000 from our clients because of our Digital Insurance Marketing Platform.
More prospect calls and sales – isn’t that what you want?
Insurance Marketing is Changing – Are You Maintaining The Status Quo or Advancing?
Let’s consider the New Insurance Reality.
When prospects are shopping for insurance today, do they blow the dust off their clunky Yellow Pages and let their fingers do the walking or do they simply go to Google and let their fingers do the typing?
What do you think?
Statistics show a large majority of individuals and business owners use search engines on their computers, smart phones, or tablets when looking for better insurance options, yet most agencies have virtually no presence online. They either don’t really see the need, they mistakenly feel online marketing doesn’t work, or they are frankly too cheap to spend any meaningful amount of money on it.
Coasting along on renewal business is not a recipe for long-term success; in reality it is a recipe for disaster.
Online Insurance Marketing is the new reality. Embrace it and grow, or reject it and watch your marketing expenses increase, your new business sales shrink, and your commission dollars drop.
Insurance agencies need a constant stream of new customers to replace those that cancel, die, or move out of state. Failing to replace those lost customers in a cost-effective way will inevitably cause your business to shrink.
The relatively few agencies that see the writing on the wall have taken action by investing in online marketing with the right company, transforming their marketing, retention, cross-selling, and growth.
Digital Insurance Marketing Can Be Crazy Profitable When Managed by the Right Marketing Company!
For instance, one client of the WIN Group receives between 20 and 40 new Insurance Leads each week from prospects ready to buy insurance.
For some agencies, 20 to 40 new leads each week would be overwhelming, and still other agencies can easily handle that many new leads.
If you needed more leads to keep your team busy you could probably buy 40 leads a day from an insurance lead vendor who would gladly take your order. However, there is a very important difference between the leads our Digital Insurance Marketing System generates and the leads purchased from some Insurance Lead Vendors:
Our insurance leads are 100% exclusive to the agency.
Most insurance lead vendors sell shared leads. A shared lead might be sent to eight other agents at the same time, and it is a race to the finish line to see which agent connects with the insurance prospect first.
In addition, some insurance lead vendors in the past have used inducements to encourage prospects to ask for insurance quotes, which raises the question of whether the prospect is truly interested in changing their insurance or simply interested in winning a prize.
Other insurance lead vendors may keep the prospect information they obtained and sold to other agents and contact them later by email on a periodic basis to encourage them to once again ask for new quotes.
If you buy shared insurance leads and sell an insurance policy to a customer your new customer might get remarketed by the insurance lead vendor via a simple email encouraging them to shop for insurance again six months down the road!
How could that affect your retention? In reality there is a HUGE difference between shared insurance leads and our exclusive leads.
Want to know the most important difference?
Closing Ratios.
Closing ratios for our insurance leads are Incredible.
One agency reports a 52% closing ratio on every personal lines lead, 80% closing ratio on contractors insurance leads, and 70% on commercial auto leads! Another client reported 100% closing ratios for certain commercial lines leads they receive!
In contrast, the best closing ratio of the agency principal who founded the WIN Group was around 7% for shared internet leads back in 2007 (the last year they purchased shared insurance leads).
Perhaps your individual closing ratios are much better than 7% when you buy shared leads, but it would be impossible for a shared insurance lead to match the closing ratios obtained by exclusive leads.
If the closing ratio was two to four times better for exclusive insurance leads for your agency you would need fewer leads to equal the same new business sales volume.
This begs an important question: why are the closing ratios so much better for leads generated by our Digital Insurance Marketing Platform? As we discussed, the leads are exclusive, but there is one other important reason:
Prospects developed by our system are ready to buy insurance RIGHT NOW!
This is Why Leads Generated by Our System Are Ready to Buy Right Now!
The basic reason is very simple: prospects generated by our system have a sense of urgency.
They are not asking for quotes because they were given an opportunity to earn a chance to win prizes. In addition they are not guaranteed the absolute lowest insurance rates to encourage them to call.
They are searching online for a specific reason, and our marketing strategy is designed to enhance their sense of urgency.
On average, our system generates leads that are far easier to close compared to other types of insurance leads agents buy or produce on their own.
To increase your closing ratios even further The WIN Group provides a complete action guide called How to Sell Internet Leads the Right Way, Every Day!
Our action guide shows you the best way to sell internet leads. This powerful action guide includes step-by-step instructions on proper sales techniques to use when you begin to receive insurance internet leads and the actual sales closes we developed that have sold millions in personal and commercial lines insurance premiums.
This guide is not for sale but is provided free of cost to clients hiring The WIN Group.
If You Want to Vastly Improve Your Online Presence Contact the WIN Group.
Call 513-800-1399 to speak with a project manager if you want to learn more about the most powerful Digital Insurance Marketing System on the market today.
With a track record of success and money back guarantees for results, we are the best option to help your company as long as a territory is available in your area.
Click Is My Area Available to inquire about which areas are available. If you find our website after normal business hours click on Digital Marketing Insurance Agencies to request a phone consultation with us to learn if we are the right company for you.
*Money back guarantees are not available for all Packages. Speak with our team to learn more about our terms and conditions.